293 Wilson Street, Manchester, NH 03103

Hours: Monday – Friday 11:30 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday 12-9 pm


 Check back often as we grow our meeting list.
If you would like to host a meeting contact dave@recoverynh.org.
Wellness Groups can be found HERE

Meeting List

12:00-1:00p        NA Lunchtime Serenity
1:00-2:00p           Medication Assisted Treatment and Psych: A Pathway to Recovery
6:00-7:30p           Starting Over
6:00-7:00p           Life Outside the Walls
7:00-8:45p           SYLAC99 – AWOL (Men’s meeting)

12:00-1:00p        NA Lunchtime Serenity
5:30-6:30p           New Beginnings (members only)
6:00-7:00p           CMA “Shatterproof”
7:00-8:30p           Gamblers Anonymous
7:30-8:30p           “As Bill Paints It” (Art & AA mtg.)
7:30-8:30p           HA – Heroin Anonymous

12:00-1:00p        NA Lunchtime Serenity
5:30-6:30p           Dimensions of Wellness (members only)
6:00-7:00p           Veteran Brotherhood Group
6:00-7:00p           Recovery Dharma
6:30-7:30p           Dimensions of Wellness (members only)
7:00-8:15p           Women’s NA meeting
7:00-8:00p           All Recovery (all-inclusive)

12:00-1:00p        NA Lunchtime Serenity
5:00-6:00              Dimensions of Wellness (members only)
6:00-7:00p           AA Big Book “Daily Reprieve”
7:30-8:30p           CMA “Shatterproof”

12:00-1:00p          NA Lunchtime Serenity
5:00-6:00p             SMART Recovery
6:00-7:00p            All Recovery “Fierce & Fabulous  Friday” LGBTQ+
6:00-8:00p            Karaoke – Let Your Light Shine
7:00-8:00p             HA “Friday Night, Get It Right”
7:00-8:15p             NA Friday Freedom Group

3:00-4:00p             AA “Women’s Willows”
4:00-6:00p             Ear Acupuncture
4:00-5:00p             Finding Perspective Peer Group
4:30-5:30p             Avenues Alumni 2nd & 4th Sat/month
5:30-6:30p             Tea Party/All Recovery
6:00-7:15p             NA “Emanon”
7:30-8:30p             AA “Clear Minds, Clear Skies
7:30-8:30p             SLAA Meeting “Saturday Love”

Sunday: (Open just for the meetings)
10:00-12:00p        King’s Cross Church
6:00-7:15p             NA “Vision of Hope”

Revised 3/13/25

Click the link to join local Zoom meetings

Tue – Gamblers Anonymous 7:00-8:30p Click Here

NH – State-wide Meetings / Resources

Meeting Descriptions   All meetings at Hope are open to all unless otherwise specified

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using.
  • Heroin Anonymous (HA) is a non-profit fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to heroin addiction. HA is a fellowship of complete abstinence from all drugs & alcohol. We are recovered heroin addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay sober. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction.
  • Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth. Our fellowship is a way of life without Crystal Meth. We advocate a twelve-step recovery program for spiritual development, no matter what our religious belief or background.
  • SMART Recovery participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a worldwide community that includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.
    The SMART Recovery 4-Point Program® helps people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors, and problem addiction to other substances and activities
  • All Recovery meetings are based on the philosophy that people from every addiction recovery pathway have much in common and can benefit from sharing together. These meetings offer a place where people can share their recovery experiences, with an emphasis on the hope and healing of recovery and how recovery has changed our lives
  • Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement using Buddhist practices and principles to overcome addiction through meditation, self-inquiry, and community. The intention and purpose of this group is to support people’s recovery and to discuss ideas and questions directly related to using the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Five Precepts to recover from addictions of all kinds.
  • Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem